"It had to work, if it didn't I'd be making Slurpees right now."
This comment by Paul Koopman, Director of Engineering at VERSUS (formerly the Outdoor Life Network) was my favorite from the 2 day DAM conference held last week in New York at the Hilton. It's a reminder that the bottom line is we have businesses to run, problems to solve and opportunities to capitalize on. During the panel session titled, "Achievements with DAM in Revenue Generation, Workflow Optimization, Product Development and Improved Profitability" Paul detailed his pragmatic and practical approach to effectively solving the business problems. Identify the problem(s), map out solutions, get all the stakeholders to buy in on the plans and most importantly get all the different players involved to meet regularly to make sure they were all in synch and on target...because at the end of the day, it HAS TO WORK...the problem HAS to get solved.
The simplicity of this can get lost but don't let it! You need to marry all the different pieces together to reach the (digital) workflows and improved operations that came from the planning, technology and good practice. The problem is not exclusive to one area of expertise in an organization and the solution won't come from one area either. Joel Warwick from CMS in an session earlier that day said that, "Success is really about the successful change management to the business process." and, "DAM services is about running the operation not nursing the technology."
Remember...it has to work. If we forget about what pays the bills and finances these efforts we can't be successful.
Clearly its never about the technology, but solving the problem! Nice post Phil!
Posted by: Scott Santulli | June 09, 2009 at 02:17 PM