About to head up to Toronto to speak at a DAM conference. The official title of the presentation is, " Content and Operations Strategies Around a Successful DAM solution....How National Geographic Prepared for DAM" http://www.damusers.com/events/conference-agenda.php?eventid=22 I think this is a good topic to discuss in this type of forum. In my travels and talks with other professionals in the archive / dam world it seems like the common problem isn't solely the technology integration but instead the basics of where to start, how to start and how to manage the evolution of the project as it progresses.. The ultimate goal is to successfully connect the dots between the user needs, the overall business needs and maximizing the impact the DAM tools can offer. My presentation attempts to outline in broad strokes some of the basic issues/questions around this theme. I outline the questions; where to start? what are the business needs and expectations? how to define a content strategy? what about the rights? how to define a metadate strategy? etc. and give some answers and examples. Its a lot of ground to cover but even in this limited forum it can be a valuable and relevant discussion and applies to many situations regardless of the media type and other particulars at play.
I will post a pdf of the PowerPoint next week and I look forward to questions or comments.