> Library of Congress NAVCC Facility-SMPTE Site Tour

2008 667

2008 667

Interior Hallway - Nitrate Vault Wing

2008 707

2008 707

SAMMA encoders

2008 709

2008 709

Greg Lukow and SAMMA encode station

2008 712

2008 712

Asking Greg Lukow questions while in Tape Machine Room

2008 714

2008 714

SAMMA encoders

2008 736

2008 736

Film Equipment Display - Lobby - NAVCC

2008 751

2008 751

Obsolete Equipment Storage

2008 755

2008 755

Obsolete Equipment Storage Area

Interior of a Nitrate Vault

Interior of a Nitrate Vault

Interior of a Nitrate Vault

Interior- Nitrate vault

Interior- Nitrate vault

Interior- Nitrate vault



Data Center



Vault Interior

2008 772

2008 772

Intake Area - new arrivals from LOC in Washington, DC